Michele Herman

Writer / Editor / Teacher

A career devoted to putting the right words on the page and helping others do the same.

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My novel was a finalist for the Eric Hoffer Award, a prestigious one for independent publishing.

Who needs Amazon? Buy directly from my two independent publishers, Regal House and Finishing Line Press.

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readings and gigs

Watch some of my recent readings, and find out what's coming up.

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Recent Publications and Honors

Stick with whatever you feel passionate about. It takes time to learn your craft. I'm a very good example.

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Media galore!

A treat to be the interviewee and not the interviewer.

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  • "Wherever Michele is leading, I am happy to follow."

    letter to the editor in The Villager

  • "Thank you so very much Michele. Your class is my favorite class I've ever taken in any subject."

    Julie Hawkins

    Writers Studio student, fall 2015 & winter 2016
  • "I have learned more from you about writing than from the shelves of well-written and helpful books on writing that I own."

    Patrick DelVisco

    Private Student
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